What’s Working? Handy hacks and productive pivots to thrive in 2021 and beyond!
With the promise of a vaccine and the hope of easing pandemic restrictions, things are looking up compared to 2020! But what does the “new normal” for work look like in 2021?
Metroworks invites you to a brief presentation and candid conversation that will highlight some clever hacks and wholesale changes that have not only enabled some businesses to survive during the pandemic, but in some cases have launched new careers, new businesses, and new side-hustles.
Attendees will walk away with a list of concrete examples and simple steps that will take them closer to setting and achieving personal and business goals for a successful 2021!
Join Metroworks members and other business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs as we explore some successful tactics being employed to survive the pandemic.
Free to attend, but registration is required.
New Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021
Time: 1:00 p.m. EST